The migration of Chinese has immense impact on local economies. We saw how cheap Chinese goods shaking South African informal trade sector. We also witness how Chinese informal (and formal) economy and people trafficking rendering European cities. I am thinking about Paris, Rotterdam, London, Belgrade... And Joburg, downtown's main language is now Portuguese. It is cosmopolitan African. But the entire inner city is territorialized. Zimbabweans are swamping into South Africa and eventually into Joburg downtown, 1000 people a day, meanwhile 2010 FIFA is under preparation. Rumor says Mozambican women are sold for 500Rand per head.
Where do we go from here?
Hillbrow, looking from Ponte Tower
Fashion Precinct near Jogubert Park, looking from a flat inhabited by Zimbabwean immigrants
Modernist flat inhabited by new users
Mothballed 'Johannesburg Sun Hotel' for sale
Ethopian restaurant on 7th floor in a inner city flat. The entire building is occupied by Ethiopian traders
Photographs taken on 17 August 2007 by SW Chu