Raad der Nederlanden是管轄荷蘭本土與離島的最高法院,於1838年成立於荷蘭海牙。原有的法院建築在面積與功能上,都不再符合現代國家最高司法機構的需要,於是新建築在2016年在新址落成啓用。建築語言微妙地透露著最高法院本身存在的對比,同時兼具開放與密合、寬宏與嚴格。在這座律法殿堂中,司法人員在極度清晰的思考與絕對慎密的審查後,得到最後的決定,而最高法院建築,必須提供最佳的工作環境,輔助司法人員伸張正義、捍衛律法。
Shiuan-Wen Chu was born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1973. She lived in South Africa for 7 years during the fall of Apartheid, and moved to the Netherlands in 1998.
Shiuan-Wen is a trained and certified architect in the Netherlands. Between 2001 and 2008, she practiced in several renowned Dutch architecture offices and realised buildings in China with KCAP. She taught at TU Delft for various masters courses in architectural design and theory. And she was architect-researcher at the International Architecture Biennale. Her works have been exhibited and published internationally.