Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Reading List on South Afirca

Fiction and Non-fiction
Recommended by SW’s friends
* highly recommended

Prof. Lindsay Bremner

* Mhlongo, N. (2004). Dog eat Dog. Cape Town: Kwela.
* Mpe, P. (2001). Welcome To Our Hillbrow. Scottsville: University of Natal Press
* Tillim, G. Joburg. (photo essay on hillbrow)
* Vladislavic, I. (2001). The Restless Supermarket. Cape Town: David Philip
* Vladislavic, I. (2004). The Exploded View. Johannesburg: Random House
* Vladislavic, I. (2006). Portrait with Keys.
* Van Niekerk, M. Triomf.
* Bremner, L. (2004). Johannsburg. One City Colliding Worlds. Johannesurg: STE.
Andersson, M. (2002). Bite of the Banshee. Yeoville: STE
Gordimer, N. (1999). The House Gun. London: Bloomsbury
Miller, S. (2004). The Kruger Millions. Cambridge: Vanguard.
Ohler, N. (2003). Ponte City. Claremont: David Philip
Rampolokeng, L. (2004). Blackheart. Bryanston: Pine Slopes.
Sello, K. (2006). The Hidden Star. Roggebaai: Umzuzi
Thembeka, K. (2004). Laduma. Bryanston: Pine Slopes.

Anna Claude
* Aletta J. Norval. The Deconstructing Apartheid Discourse
Doris Lessing. The story of general dann and mara’s daughter, griot and the snow dog
J.M. Coetzee. Waiting For The Barbarians
Alan Paton. Cry, The Beloved Country
Andre Brink. A Dry White Season
Andre Brink. Praying Mantis
Herman Charles Bosman
Harold Strachan
Make a Skyf, Man
Gil Courtemanche. Sunday By the Pool In Kigali

Thorsten Deckler
* Tsitsi Dangaremba. Nervous Conditions
* Bitterkomix
Lewis Nkosi. Underground People
Arthur Maimele. No More Hate
Chris van Wyk. Shirley, Goodness and Mercy
Chinua Achebe. The White Man of God
Chinua Achebe. When Things Fall Apart
Ryzard Kapuchinski. In the Shadow of the Sun

Neal Sachs and Flavio Tedeschi
* R.Malan, My Traitor’s Heart

SW’s discovery
* Jonny Stenberg. Midlands
* Jonny Stenberg. The Number
Richard Calland. Anatomy of SA: Who Holds the Power?
Frank Welsh. A History of South Africa