This extended bibliography is provided for the purpose of the student’s individual research interest.
Many of the readings presented below correlate to the DSD Michael Speaks workshop reading list.
Please note:
- (*) denotes the required readings for all groups.
- [SWC] denotes the required readings for Shiuan-Wen Chu's group.
Essays, articles and Chapters from books:
(SWC)Stan Allen, “Pragmatism in Practice” (manuscript), from: “Pragmatist Imagination” Conference, Museum of Modern Art, New York, November, 1999.
Alain Badiou, ‘The Adventure in French Philosophy’, in: New Left Review, no. 35, Sept/Oct 2005.
Alain Badiou, ‘Philosophy and Desire’, in: Infinite Thought: Truth and the Return of Philosophy,(2003 [1992]).
(*) George Baird, ‘“Criticality” and Its Discontents’, in: Harvard Design Magazine, no. 21, Fall 2004 / Winter 2005.
(*) Gilles Deleuze and Claire Parnet, ‘On the Superiority of Anglo-American Literature’, in: Dialogues, trans., Hugh Tomlinson and Barbara Habberjam (1987 [1977])
(*) Jacques Derrida, ‘Point de Folie—Maintenant l’architecture’, in: Architecture Theory Since 1968, ed. K. Michael Hays (1998).
Jacques Derrida, ‘Différance’, in: Margins of Philosophy (1982).
Jacques Derrida, ‘Architecture Where the Desire Can Live’, interview with Eva Mayer, in: Domus, April 1986
Peter F. Drucker, “Introduction” and “Chapter One: From Capitalism to Knowledge Society,” Post Capitalist Society (1993).
Peter Eisenman, ‘Misreading’, in: Houses of Cards, pp. 168-187, (1987).
Peter Eisenman, ‘Presentness and the ‘Being-Only-Once’ of Architecture’, in: Deconstruction is/in America, ed. Anselm Haverkamp, (1995).
Luc Ferry and Alain Renaut, ‘The Ideal Type for Sixties Philosophy’, in: French Philosophy of the Sixties, trans. Mary Schnackenberg Cattani(1990 [1985]).
Michel Foucault, ‘Truth & Power’, in: Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977, ed. Colin Gordon et al., (1980)
Jurgen Habermas, Lecture VI: ‘The Undermining of Western Rationalism through the Critique of Metaphysics: Martin Heidegger’, in: The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, trans. Frederick Lawrence (1987 [1985]).
(*) K. Michael Hays, ‘Introduction’, in: ed. K.M. Hays, Architecture Theory Since 1968, (1998)
(*) Martin Heidegger, ‘The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking’, in: Basic Writings, ed. David Krell, (1977 [1969] ).
(SWC) Martin Heidegger, ‘What Calls for Thinking’, in: Basic Writings, ed. David Krell, (1977 [1954]).
Martin Heidegger, ‘Letter on Humanism’, in: Basic Writings, ed. David Krell, (1977 [1954]).
Martin Heidegger, ‘Memorial Address’, in: Discourse on Thinking, (1966 [1959]).
Richard Hofstadter, ‘On the Unpopularity of Intellect’, in: Anti-Intellectualism in American Life (1962).
Steven Johnson, ‘Introduction’, and ‘The Pattern Match’, in: Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software (2002).
Jeffrey Kipnis, ‘Towards a New Architecture’, in: Folding in Architecture, ed. Greg Lynn (1993).
Sanford Kwinter, ‘Can One Go Beyond Piranesi? (Liner Notes for a Building Revisited)’, in: Eleven Authors in Search of a Building, ed. Cynthia Davidson (1996).
Sanford Kwinter, ‘Leap into the Void: A New Organon,?’, in: ANYHOW, ed. Cynthia Davidson (1998).
(*) Bruno Latour, ‘Why Has Critique Run Out of Steam? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern’, in: Critical Inquiry 30 (Winter 2004).
Greg Lynn, ‘Architectural Curvilinearity: The Folded, The Pliant and the Supple’, in: Folding in Architecture, ed. Greg Lynn (1993).
Colin Rowe, ‘Introduction to Five Architects’, in: Architecture Theory Since 1968, ed. K. Michael Hays (1998).
Michael Schrage, ‘The New Economics of Innovation’ and ‘A Spreadsheet Way of Knowledge’, in: Serious Play: How the World’s Best Companies Simulate to Innovate (2000).
(SWC) Michael Speaks, ‘Design Intelligence: Thinking in Architecture after Metaphysics,’ AD: Versioning, ed. SHOP, October 2002.
Michael Speaks, ‘It’s Out There: The Formal Limits of the American Avant-garde’, in: AD: Hypersurface Architecture, 1998.
Michael Speaks, ‘How the New Economy is Transforming Theory and Practice’, in: Architectural Record, no. 12, December 2000.
(*)Michael Speaks, ‘No Hope, No Fear: Theory and Practice in Contemporary Architecture’, in: a+u 372, September 2001.
Michael Speaks, ‘Niederländisch™’, in: Arch+ 162, October 2002.
Michael Speaks, ‘Plausible Space’, in: Dimensions no. 17 (2003). [Also excerpted in Hunch: Double Dutch, The Berlage Institute Report, no. 8, Summer 2004].
(SWC)Michael Speaks, ‘After Theory’, in: Architectural Record, June 2005.
(SWC)Michael Speaks, ‘Ideals, Ideology, Intelligence in China and the West’, and ‘China-West Dialogue’, in: Shidai Jianzhu: Time + Architecture (Tongji University, Shanghai, forthcoming September, 2006).
Michael Speaks, ‘Fabrication: The Fifth Ecology of Los Angeles’, in: Architectural Record Reveals: Los Angeles: 5 podcast interviews: David Erdman, Hernan Diaz Alonso, Tom Wiscombe, Florencia Pita, Jason Payne, Emmanuelle Bourlier, Andreas Froech (May, 2006).
Michael Speaks, ‘Screen vs. Script’, in: Perspecta 38: Architecture After All, 2006.
Michael Speaks, ‘Design Intelligence: Thinking in Architecture after Metaphysics’, in AD: Versioning, ed. SHOP, October 2002
(SWC) Michael Speaks, Design Intelligence: Part 12: Patterns/Marcelo Spina, a+u 399, December 2003
(SWC) Design Intelligence: Part 11: Archi-Tectonics/Winka Dubbeldam, a+u 398, November 2003
(SWC) Design Intelligence: Part 10: Greg Lynn, a+u 396, September 2003.
(SWC) Design Intelligence: Part 9: SERVO, a+u 395, August 2003.
(SWC) Design Intelligence: Part 8: Hernan Diaz Alonso, a+u 394, July 2003.
(SWC) Design Intelligence: Part 7: Max.1, a+u 393, June 2003.
(SWC) Design Intelligence: Part 6: LWPAC, a+u 392, May 2003.
(SWC) Design Intelligence: Part 5: Asymptote: Hani Rashid and Lise Anne Couture, a+u 391, April 2003.
(SWC) Design Intelligence: Part 4: Neil Denari, a+u 390, March 2003.
(SWC) Design Intelligence Part 3. AMO, a+u 389, February 2003.
(SWC) Design Intelligence Part 2. George Yu Architects, a+u 388, January 2003.
(SWC) Design Intelligence. Part 1: Introduction, a+u 387, December 2002.
Bernard Tschumi, Section III: Disjunction, ‘Essays written between 1984-1991’ in: Architecture and Disjunction (1994).
Mark Wigley, ‘The Translation of Architecture, the Production of Babel’, in: Architecture Theory Since 1968, ed. Michael Hays (1998).
Mark Wigley and Jeffrey Kipnis, ‘The Architectural Displacement of Philosophy’, in: Form; Being; Absence: Pratt Journal of Architecture (1988).
Books of Interest:
In addition to the books from which the above essays have been selected, the following books may prove of interest.
@AD: Versioning: Evolutionary Techniques in Architecture, ed. SHoP (2002).
@Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing, ed. Branko Kolarevic.
@Concrete Design Book on Robustness: International Concrete Design Competition for Students 2003/2004, ed. Siebe Baker.
@Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, What is Philosophy?, trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Graham Burchell (1994 [1991]).
@Foreign Office Architects, Phylogenesis: FOA’s Ark (2003).
@Stephen Kieran and James Timberlake, Refabricating Architecture: How Manufacturing Methodologies Are Poised to Transform Building Construction (2004).